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We Have Provided 5 Scripts You Can Use
As Is or As Inspiration.  


Stock Video is provided for these scripts that you can edit into your video if you would like.
Each line is designed as a camera cut. 
Using different backgrounds on each cut will increase watch time. 

Post however many videos you wish to meet the challenge. 


LEGO® and the LEGO® logo are trademarks of The LEGO Group® of companies that does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse LittleBricks Charity, The Wishlist Wipeout or this website.

©2019-2022 LittleBricks Charity
LittleBricks Charity is a Virginia nonprofit corporation

exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 83-3913042


5 Total

  1. Wishlist Wipeout Announcement

  2. Why LEGO 1

  3. Why LEGO 2

  4. LIVE Announcement

  5. Share Kaspians Story

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