2023 Hospital Tour
Every month we travel to a new city. This gives us a chance to get to meet all of you, fundraise, and deliver LEGO Sets and Build Experiences to Children's Hospitals in your area. You can meet our president, Russell Cassevah (@LittleBricksCharityGuy), at any of the BrickFest LIVE Events and be a part of the action!

You and your family can become a part of the action! Help us Build BIG Smiles on Hospitalized kids in your local area. You can donate your time, help fundraise, and even help deliver LEGO Sets to your local children's Hospitals.
Tourdates, hospitals, and Cities are Subject to Change. Ticket Sales DO NOT go to LittleBricks Charity. LEGO and the LEGO Logo are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group. The LEGO Group does not endorse nor sponsor LittleBricks Charity or BrickFest Live.
We are proud to partner with Brick Fest Live to bring
LittleBricks Charity and our BrickWalk Challenge to you
all across the nation. Below you can buy tickets to upcoming shows we will be at, donate in advance, orapply to be an ambassador.